Earth Is Our Home

Article to read first before exploring what paradigms are at the core, and how they are, and have been, used against us. Back to 'Earth Is Our Home' page.

This article is incredibly enlightening, and EVERY human needs to read this. You will see I am speaking truth after you read through it.

--21st Century / Solutions--

I think we have all begun to realize that this is not some average time we are living in. There are different things that should be understood, and this one is one of the key things.
One of the big solutions to what is happening in the now.

-A Dialogue On Human Beings and how we function-
*Using Meditation as an analogy*

Let's say we have been meditating, and on a GOD exploration path, for a long time. And these meditations / practices are really taking effect. Then, because of those undeniable effects, we begin to question the Cosmos. So, here is a possible dialogue: We are asking the heartfelt questions, and the Cosmos (AT LARGE) is giving us the true answers.

Question: What is this meditation for, like actually, like really, what is this for?
Answer: Shifting you and shifting paradigms.

Question: Shifting me? Hhmm. Shifting me from what to what?
Answer: Shifting you from a dormant being, who has not been activated, into a vibrant being who is activated.

Question: What is meant by activated?
Answer: Your chakra system comes online and turns on. This effects your life-force system. Your life-force system blends with your auric field and that effects things, and also effects other auric fields. This is what is meant by activated.

Question: Why do I want to be activated?
Answer: Because you live on this planet in the material world. In this world, everything is enveloped. It is swimming in energy fields. You are all swimming in energy fields. That is what it is to be a part of this place you are in. The fields are polarized, part of the fields are negative and part of them are positive. It is designed this way. In what you call the past, this was explained through ideas of Light versus Darkness. But in this current place you are, you understand energies much better and energy fields much better, and so your mind can make sense of this. Being activated means that you can access your design and be vibrant and pulsing and more fully alive. You plug into different things, much more positive field things.

Question: So,... being activated makes it so I can plug much more into positive things and positive fields?
Answer: Of course, that is why meditations are on this planet, and have been made available in the areas where it was being delivered and given, then carried by certain individuals to other areas. This, of course is what you would consider a very long time ago. You would call it ancient ancient. It was needed very much in that time, just like it is needed very much in this time. That is why you have it. It is also a good thing to have now, because the polarities are becoming more and more and more imbalanced.

Question: So,... we are more imbalanced now than we were in my lifetime?
Answer: If you mean by that to say since you were born as the human you are now, then yes. It is more imbalanced now. Much of the paradigms have been captured and recalibrated,... to something not in the interest of Light and higher vibrational frequencies. In fact, the lower vibrational frequencies are gaining in forces, and causing imbalance.

Question: How does that happen? Doesn't Light always win? Aren't we the good guys?
Answer: I will not explain too much of this for you, because you are in the material world. The entirety of the material world is only a very small fraction of the life and the oneness that is. All you can imagine, as a being experiencing the material planes of The Oneness, is not even a scratch of a tiny sliver of The Oneness. And I will tell you this to answer your questions. The good guys and the bad guys are all part of the cosmos, and the material world is a production of balance. The laws here in this sliver of Oneness are not exactly the same as they are within higher levels, above this one level you find yourself in now. I can not tell you any more on this bit for now. You will see more and understand better when you begin to play in the paradigms.

Question: YES! THE PARADIGMS! You said meditation is about shifting me,... and also shifting paradigms. By paradigms do you mean what we think paradigms are. Ways of thinking about things? And why are these paradigms so important?
Answer: Paradigms, as I am meaning them now, and as I am about to explain them, do not mean what you are thinking they mean. You will have to bring physics along so you can see what we are about to look at. Let's expand your ideas and add to it. This way I can answer your question surrounding why paradigms are so important. And before I let you know anything else, always keep this one reality in your consciousness and in your cells. It is that important to understand! Humans have something regarding paradigms designed into them.

Question: What is that,... that is designed into us? And you mean everyone that is human, yes? And I also get the feeling that you mean since the beginning of humans?
Answer: Not exactly the beginning of humans, but very close to the beginning. And yes, at this time, and for a very long time,... in what you would call ancient time, you all have this quality. And unfortunately, this quality has been used against you. And that is simply because you do not understand your own design. This is a simple truth, and easy to remember, yet a bit harder for your kind to deeply understand.

Question: I am ready to remember! Even my cells are ready to remember. So please, tell me.
Answer: Humans leave paradigms in their wake!

Question: All Humans?
Answer: All Humans,... to one degree or another,... leave paradigms in their wake. And I use this term because you like to watch the harbor, and you know what a boat and ship wake is. All Humans leave paradigms in their wake.

Question: Hmm. So, I guess I am not having the full understanding of paradigms. I am not quite seeing this in terms of ship wakes. Oh,... but you said I need to bring along physics for this one, yes? You said we are all swimming in energy fields. Alright, now I am thinking in physics. This ties into the energy fields, doesn't it?
Answer: Yes, it does. Everything and everyone on this planet ties into energy fields. Within higher densities, far above material world galaxies, thoughts themselves have the potential to burst into actual life forms. You would think of those levels as creator force levels. It is another type of physics and principles that allows that to happen. Each density level has a set of laws, physics laws, and principles it works with. In this density, material world, galaxies, planets, and the like,... you also have laws, physics laws and principles that allows things to happen. You are living through linear time though, where things move slowly and within guidelines of polarities. So, of course they are different.

Question: I am guessing that you are telling me about high level densities and the laws and principles for a reason that relates to paradigms, yes?
Answer: Correct. I am setting up what is the foundation, so that you can see paradigms in the fuller version. See it as simple as building blocks,... that an Earth child uses to build a tangible structure. And that is because paradigms turn into actual structures.

Question: Wait a minute,... what? Aren't paradigms thoughts, and part of the mind realm?
Answer: They are, as the beginning, as the seed, you would say. But paradigms, at the level we are viewing them now, are something like 4 component creations, and you Humans are the creators of these. You create these, and are not even aware you are doing it. It is designed into your life form.

Question: Wait. Wait. Wait. How is this a four component thing? That is not making sense to me.
Answer: For this brief moment of time, lose yourself in the level of understanding you have of physics, and this will make sense. We will draw parallels to your life form itself. To you, as a human life form.

Question: Alright, I can do that.
Answer: You have 4 components. This you understand well. Your physiology is one component. It is your structure. You need this to continue to live in the material world density. It is part of a 4 component unit. It cannot function without the other 3 components. Paradigms also,... at the fuller levels we are looking into,... have a structure. Think of it as a bubble or a dome. It is a paradigm. It is an actual thing, just like you are an actual thing.

Question: I think I see that. Okay. But, what about the mind part?
Answer: The mind part for you is the consciousness part. Your brain is all important in this part. Because the brain holds and processes thoughts and thought forms. The brain is not certain if the thought form is a tangible real thing or not. It simply holds and processes thoughts and thought forms. The other three components allow it to determine which thought forms are which.

Question: Okay. But how is a paradigm using a mind component? How is this?
Answer: Your compiled and imbued thoughts,... the ones you select and hold onto,... are held in your structure. The structure holds them. And because this planet is swimming in energy fields, then those thoughts translate into frequencies through the next component. The spirit component. So, the structure of a paradigm holds the frequencies. It is not a mind like yours, but it does process thoughts in the form of frequencies and holds them. It holds them within the structure. But unlike you, the structure can accommodate vast sizes and large areas. You can't. Your structure is one size and that is that.

Question: Okay, I see. I see. I see. I see. Physics is no joke here, is it? So,... the thoughts get processed through the spirit component and change into something like aura, and that aura field is held in place then? Within the dome or bubble, I mean?
Answer: Yes! Correct! And before we move forward, you should know that this is how this planet is designed. This process has been going on for what you would say is many thousands of years of your linear time. This is what is at the core of religion and how it works. I know you are a deeply studied person in that, so drawing parallels is worth doing here. It is also how you are all being controlled. Because you cannot conceive of paradigms in the fuller form.

Question: Wowe. What do you mean?
Answer: I mean that Earthlings do not understand paradigms. You are finally coming to the place where energies and the understandings of such things is common knowledge. This is a great leap forward.

Question: Okay. Go back to the controlling part.
Answer: Let's you and I go back even further. Back to the beginning of this conversation. It is about a question you posed on why Meditation is on this planet, and how it got here. And of course, what it is for. I told you it is to activate you and also for paradigms.

Question: Yes, of course, that is how this conversation began. So,... are you saying that paradigms,... the process you are laying out for me now,... have been used to control humans for thousands of years?
Answer: Yes, correct. And still is, to this day and time, but only with greater intensity now, because the balance of polarities is off.

Question: Wait! How come we do not know this?
Answer: It takes a highly activated being to be able to unlock many things, and be able to see many things. Let's use Nikola Tesla as an example. You are a huge fan, yes?
Question: Yes,... but please continue.
Answer: He was a very specialized being, who was highly activated. Because his frequencies were activated to the levels they were, then he was able to unlock many truths and many aspects of how this planet really works. If he were not activated, he would not have been able to unlock so much, and alter this planet. No wine is will ever be opened until it is ready. There is some saying on Earth similar to this. And it is very very true. If the frequencies are not aligned, then the mysteries will never be made clear. Frequencies,... that is vibrational frequencies,... that is key here. It is also key in understand paradigms in its fuller understanding.

Question: Wow. Tesla. Awesome. Okay,... control and meditation on this planet. Please,...?
Answer: Because of hard and fast rules of free-will in this region, there is a lot I simply will not tell you. But I will tell you a brief history. And it is Human history. Your history. This will further explain the meditations, and also the paradigms, and why they operate. Then we will need to get back to the fuller understanding of paradigms themselves.
Question: Okay. I am all ears. Please,...?
Answer: This came about after the latest form of humans were on this planet. You call them homo-sapian-sapians. In essence, you. You were under heavy controls. A big part of that control was using your abilities to create paradigms in your wake against you. It was decided that as a species, Earthlings that is, that you had special qualities and would be allowed to flourish and see what would become of you.

Question: Who decided this?
Answer: I can only tell you that it was decided at the level above creator force. I can not tell you any more than that.

Question: So, God?
Answer: For material density linear thinking beings, that is a great answer, please just go with it and let me continue. I will never break rules for you.

Question: I got it. Please,...? Continue.
Answer: When that occurred, a ripple went out through the densities, and traveled through the length and breath of something you would think of as the righteousness system,... and specialized teachers beings were dispatched here - to infuse the meditation understandings and practices. It was for your own defense, and to insure you had a fighting chance at flourishing.

Question: Where did these specialized teachers come from?
Answer: Both a higher density and also off- world.

Question: Okay. How about the controlling factor. Where was that from?
Answer: You are very studied in many religions and also in the ancient war between the force of Light and the Darkness. I can only tell you to sort that out from there. You already hold that knowledge. In some form or another.

Question: Okay. So how are these paradigms - that we run around making - helping us then?
Answer: That is to be both determined, and to be fully understood. But we should return to the understanding of that at this time.

Question: Please,...? We were at the point of the spirit component, and the energy field we swim around in. The physics stuff.
Answer: Not exactly, but close enough. So, the spirit component parallels to yourself, and the paradigms. The spirit component is a regulator, transformer, and something of a blender. In you, it takes thought forms that you retain and hold onto - and transforms them into energy and frequency. That is how they contribute to the signature of your auric field. Then it blends them with the energy that is both continuing to come onto the planet, and that is already on the planet.

Question: Oh, I see.
Answer: Your mind sorts them,... the thoughts held onto,... and your spirit processes them, so they become part of your frequency. Then they are also blended with the energy fields that you all are swimming in. The same process takes place within the structure of a paradigm. The difference here is that the paradigm is something that is interacting with each of you, because you are creating them. They are an extension of you. They are actually an extension of the frequency you are emitting through the 4 component process. They are you. You have created them. You are co-creators at this one level we are talking about.

Question: Okay, wowe, please,...? Stop for a moment? So,... before this time, when we did not understand energy as common knowledge,... could we have understood this?
Answer: No. In this place is where you begin to understand this.

Question: Is this like the Tesla analogy you gave,... where one has to be activated enough to be able to hit frequencies to unlock certain things? Certain mysteries, you called them?
Answer: Correct! Now it is sinking in to your thick understandings. HHMM. Very good. This is why free-will is so important in this region, and why you can not be spoon fed things. Your frequencies are simply not ready for holding it.

Question: Okay. Okay. Okay. HOLY CRAP BATMAN! So,... So,... Wow! So,... and I am coming at this question from all of my religion understandings. The controls,... and the controllers,... if this is how we function then,... then the source of the controls is from off world!?
Answer: As I told you, you have the truth of that in some form already, from your studies. I can not and will not detail that out for you. But you are correct about the idea of the source of it. It is from off world.

Question: So they have high frequency then?
Answer: Let me stop you right there. What you are referring to is not from high frequency regions. If you use a term of high intensity, then this would be more accurate. The frequency you are trying to make sense of now is not of the Light,... in your way of speaking, that is,... but is opposition to the Light. But, the understanding of human function is certainly there, and has certainly being used against you. But,... as I said, this is a free-will region, and so if you go along, then that is your free-will doing it. What you think of as the Light can only point you in correct ways. That was the original ideas of how religions of Light came to be over the thousands of your years. But they get disrupted and transformed by the opposition over time-spans. And get changed into something else, other than the intended guidance. It is part of the free-will arrangement you live within, and the free-will is enforced heavily.

Question: So,... I am just going to refer to the opposition controllers as bad guys,... okay? So the bad guys then,... they get us to go along,... by getting us to free-will our own ruination?
Answer: Correct! Through the paradigms. Correct!

Question: And we keep doing it because,...
Answer: Again, let me cut you off. You keep doing it because you do not understand that you create paradigms in your wake. And it is a physics, and a planetary process, and an iron clad Human trait. It is what Humans are, and what Humans do. Only,... the Humans themselves do not understand this. And because I am explaining this to you, a person so studied in many forms of religion, and because there is a residual from older times, from one of the current biggest religions, then let me say this to you.

Question: The current largest religion is Christianity, correct?
Answer: Correct. And it has also been retooled, and reshaped, and hijacked, and lost too many of its pointing abilities. This happens on this planet because of the polarities. This also happens by way of using paradigms. And since it is we are elaborating on what paradigms are, and since it is also that this term holds heavy and weighty influence, on a planetary scale, then we should touch on it before we continue on to the soul component.

Question: Can I guess?
Answer: I am aware you already know this, but not in terms of paradigms, and the physics of paradigms in the fuller understandings. It will give you another angle to see it from. The olden Greek and Latin language words of 'sozo' and also 'salveo'. In terms of energies and frequencies, the true olden meaning of both is to heal, and return to a state of wholeness and connection to the whole.

Question: Point taken, and thank you! And speaking of connectivity, are we going in to the soul component now?
Answer: With one exception, yes.

Question: What exception are you speaking of.
Answer: It is never a bad idea for any Human, who is part of this planetary system, to take refuge in an exceedingly high level being who makes clear compassion, love, fairness, ethics, and saneness, are of some of the highest pursuits on this planet. I say this because your mind popped out that quick question to yourself.

Question: Thank you, it actually did. Okay, so the soul component? This one is going to be interesting I think? I just do not see it at all.
Answer: That is because of how you are thinking of soul. Allow me to draw the parallels to what you are used to,... and it will make sense. Soul, of course, is the connectivity. The righteousness system,... as you call it,... is of course the hard wiring that the physics and the life force itself runs through. It of course, originates from Source itself - and expands to all that Source actually is. Every solar system, every planetary system, and every life form that is part of every planetary system. That includes this Earth, and even you. All of this,... in one form or another,... is imbued with some form of connectivity to the Source. You know this because it is alive.

Question: You are speaking of the raw component of soul itself then?
Answer: Correct. Everything is connected by this. Correct. Now,... because paradigms on this planet are created by Humans, then let's take this same idea we are looking at now of Source itself,... and place it within the Human itself. A loose idea from ancient knowledge that Humans are tiny little universes of sorts. Following a pattern of how things are designed.

Question: So,... you are talking about how we are patterned from the greater Creation, and may be little tiny versions of that pattern? The idea from Eastern thought, yes?
Answer: For this moment, let's say yes. As you think something, and hold that thought in your structure,... then you imbue that thought with a type of life force and make it alive. That way you can play with that thought and evolve that thought into something bigger. Something more expansive. Eventually you speak that thought form out into your very own tiny little cosmos. You have just participated in creating,... within your own tiny little cosmos.

Question: Okay, I can see that. But how does that tie into paradigms, and the raw soul component?
Answer: In the creating of an idea,... and it could be any sort of thing from an idea at all,... you are forming a paradigm. It is happening all around you. It is an extension of you. It emits and throws off a vibrational frequency. And that frequency is held in place within the paradigm structure itself. Go back to the paradigm structure. The dome or the bubble. Because we are dealing with a simple thought here, then we can isolate it and see the process of it and see how it holds soul component within the structure of the dome or bubble.

Question: I am still not getting it. What am I missing?
Answer: There are more pieces, and those pieces have to do with others - and how they resonate with our little idea,... the one just created. We are using for this understanding, so we are using analogy. Others are what paradigms are about! Others, and how their paradigms resonate with the idea, we are using here as an analogy.

Question: Oh, I see. Alright, then lets bring in the others so I can see this thing?
Answer: Let's go to music now. It is very popular and will make this easy to see. Let's say 'our idea' analogy is a song. For a song is in fact just an idea. One that has been created by playing with it and then speaking it out into the world. Some songs, or ideas, flop. They flop because they do not resonate with others. Yet other songs get incredible popular. They get popular because they do resonate with others.

Question: Got it. In terms of resonation and in terms of frequency, I got that part. I also got the part about paradigms work with resonation, and hold that within the structure. But,... I am still not seeing the soul component part of this and how that fits into this?
Answer: Let's add another piece, and more about others. Let's borrow from your religion studies for this piece. You are versed in scripture. Let's use the principle of “where two or more are gathered in my name...” idea. And while we are doing that – please keep in mind that the soul component itself is coming from both yourself and others. The paradigms are extensions of each of you. And you are all swimming in energy fields. The structure of the paradigms can only hold what you yourselves emit into them.

Question: Okay. Hold on. Hold on. So the paradigm is holding our ideas,... or idea, in this case,... and it is mingling with others. And so this is happening on the energy level? Because, we are swimming in energy fields? Does that sound correct?
Answer: Correct.

Question: Then,... hhhmmm. Then,... the soul component is not part of it,... it being the paradigm itself,... but instead part of us? And,...! A part of us that we imbued into the resonance,... and what the created idea is!?

Answer: Yes! The paradigm is an extension of each of you, and you imbue the soul component within the structure. Then, when your particular paradigm comes in contact with another's paradigm,... when the two resonate,... then a small piece of your soul component that was transferred to the structure – through the imbued idea – matches the frequency of what is in their resonating paradigm. Then you have a hit song. Or a hit idea. Or a hit created item. Or a hit way of doing things. Or a hit moon mission. Or a hit going to Mars. Do you see now?

Question: Yes, now I see. Thank you. The scripture unlocked that for me. Why is that, by the way?
Answer: Because the original teachings of what became the religion you studied were actually about barring - what you are thinking of as - controllers from invading you with their four component viruses. That is how they capture your paradigms. The planet, as it is now, is captured at levels that are simply out of balance. And because this is a free-will zone, technically it is you yourselves that are going this way. Creating this imbalace. It is you Humans that are actually and genuinely creating these current paradigms.

Question: So,... how do we reverse this?
Answer: Someone, or some group, of Humans has to get this to be understood across this planet. This is a task of serious importance. A task that only Humans can do. This is a free-will zone you are living in. For someone like you, with the way your particular mind works,... I would say to look deeply into the ancient words and true intent of 'sozo' and 'soteria'. Also, you are a meditator,... so meditate heavily on this. But a song writer should come at it from a different direction. An author, from another direction. A baker, from another direction. A website maker, from another direction. A physicist, from another direction.

Question: Oh,...!!!!? And the paradigms themselves can get all of us on the same resonance,... yes!?
Answer: Yes. Also the paradigms themselves can become one very expansive paradigm, or even expansive paradigms, in one pocket over here and one pocket over there. There is many of those now currently. There structure is not static like yours. They are things of energy and consciousness, and can therefore expand to any size.

Question: So,... this is almost like some war!?
Answer: Oh, I see, you actually did get it then! Yes,... indeed. You are all in a battle with the adversary, and most of you have no idea this is going on. This is the olden war that rages between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. Or,... that was the ancient thinking on this anyways. But now you are all in a new time. And in this time you all carry some level of a physics understanding in your minds. Because of that you will see very many things differently than was possible thousand of years ago.

Question: Oh! This is that?
Answer: Yes. This is that. You require more enlightenment as a species at this time. You also require more meditation at this time. Your planet is shifting, and you are all shifting with it. The things and ideas and ways of doing things in your past are no longer working in this time. That is because this place, and you, are all shifting to a different time.

Question: So this really is 'the end times' then?
Answer: From your version of thinking, yes it is the end times. But,... it is also the new beginning times. Understanding yourselves and how you really function, through all four components, is a crucial thing on this planet at this time. This is why the level of enlightenment needs to be elevated. This is why I took out the time,... what for me is a flash of a quick moment,... to have this conversation with you in this linear time zone. I really must return to my own density though, so I thank you for participating in your own world's understandings.

Question: Wait! Before you go,... where are we Humans going? In which direction I mean?
Answer: All things in the material world densities only last so long, and then they recycle. A new beginning is where you are all going. The old things are coming down and will be replaced by new things. This is the way of the material world density realities. You all live in a free will zone, and it will be for you to determine how the direction will go. You all have more abilities than you think. You are simply conditioned never to look at them, and never to reach the frequencies that will unlock them. Your paradigms have been hijacked for this specific reason. Because of this zone, all we can do is urge you to understand yourselves. Gain in enlightenment. And see the battles for what they truly are. And,... for goodness sakes,... please take back your paradigms. Good-bye for now.

Copyright 2023 © VINCENT PEPPERS This whole Earth is in strange times. We need to assist in this time. Because of that, feel free to use this in any way that benefits this cause. But I insist, as the author, that you reference me in the quotes of the material you use from this. And thank you for understanding.