

-"WE" have to realize paradigms, and their uses. This is a real and very true SOLUTION to these times we ALL find ourselves in now. We can use this on a personal smaller scale until we master this towards our own planetary scale. THIS IS A REAL THING FOR THIS TIME...-

It is a serious thing,...


We all instinctively understand that The Earth is our Home.
But do we really understand that being born here is being born into an arrangement? Do we really understand this arrangement we have with Earth, and how IT WORKS?

Even the most staunch of the skeptics are not arrogant enough to believe that we individually decided for ourselves that Earth was going to be our home. But yet,... here we all are. Even the craziest part of New Age philosophies that say there is no evil or darkness or real wickedness,... even those philosophies recognize that being born on Earth was not a simple roll of the dice. There is both rhyme and reason for all humans that live on this Earth to be on this Earth. While we are on the Earth we are just as much a part of the Earth as the Earth is a part of us. Our job, as humans, is to fully comprehend & understand this, and embed this into our 4 component selves.


If we could simply BEGIN to see the Earth as something that is part of us, and our provider, rather than something to exploit to the fullest and "who cares what happens", (as far as karmic fallout from destructive methods used thus far), our personal lives would be so much in a better environment.

Just so you know, I am not talking about some kind of madness like 'the green new deal', which is of course political chicanary that covets more power. I am talking about a shift in how we see things. Because the Earth really is our home. And would any of us just go around wrecking our homes and poisoning our homes and bringing all kinds of toxic things into our homes? No, of course not. Not only would we not do that to ourselves, but we would not let anyone else do that to our homes either. In fact, I would venture to say that we might get down right nasty to other people that were trying to do that to our homes. We have a deep need to protect ourselves and our families and our possessions from destruction and long term madness from others.




Although Earth is part of the Solar System, and that is just part of another system, which is part of this sector of a Galaxy system. (don't get lost now.) And that is just a part of the entire Galaxy system. Earth also has its own system. Again,... the Earth is our home.

Earth, that also means us, is governed by laws. Not that legislative nonsense projected on us by 'institutions', but real laws. Like physics laws, like gravity, like atmospheric laws and realities, like water recycling itself over and over for many thousands of years. These are laws and they are also physics. And just a quick note here - because this is after all LARGE COOLNESS - there is planetary physics and also higher physics. Higher physics, and what all of that is, has been contained and accessed through our aspects of religion and our mystic wierdness throughout the many thousands of years. I mention this because it is part of Our Earth Home system as well. It is part of our lives here on Earth, as Earthlings. GREETINGS EARTHLINGS!!!




What we are about to look deep into, "right here and right now", is something that has been used as a tech, from a very long time ago. It has been applied over the populations for quite literally thousands of years. So,... I hope you slow down in your reading of this and will choose to take in everything we are about to lay out in front of ourselves. It is going to reveal some very serious things to us.

It is both huge and massive to be able to simply walk around knowing this. Just like the reality of us all being "four component" beings. Just like the reality of "the war that rages" and just like the reality of "the ability to trancend is designed into us".  



There is a brain science and a tech that is so advanced that not even AI could ever even hope to begin to even pretend to duplicate it at the pre-school level. It is based on, and works through, the systems I was talking about earlier. With regard to Earth, that would be us!!

In essence, because of this brain science and tech - we are so advanced that it is simply designed into us. But we just simply aren't walking around knowing this.

This advanced tech is about shifting things. The process and the outcome is known as paradigms. Paradigms are like bubbles or spheres of energy. We create them. Only in the case of paradims, we have no clue we are creating them. Paradigms are simply something that happens and that humans leave in their wake. This is the human design and no one,... as in, not one person, can or will ever be able to alter it. It is a law, just like gravity is a law. This is simply human being 202. GREETINGS HUMANS!!!



Let me give you a verse from the Bible in the book of Genesis. I am doing this because I am hoping you will see two things at once. One thing having to do with Earth, and the other thing having to do with us humans. And, by the way, this would be a good time to look through the lenses of 'the four components', of both the Earth and us. Because as humans we actually are part of Earth. Until we are no longer human, that is.

And The Elohim blessed them, and The Elohim said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth. >> GENESIS Chapter 1 verse 28 >>(this is stuff most people grew up with in the Western World)
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And the LIGHT shineth into the Darkness, and the Darkness apprehended it not. >>John 1:5 > -selah-

Let’s use the example of our own kids. Our own friends and families, that we really love. The people we actually realize are part of us. I know that none of us would use a term like ‘subdue and take dominion over’, when it comes to dealing with the people we love, and with our homes that are part of our lives. And here is the point.

I am not even close to sure that the original meaning of whatever words were translated to the words “subdue and dominion” meant anything that these words mean in today’s time. Not only that, but in the times of the last few thousand years or so. It was the time of empires.

It was blood and guts time on Earth and one group of people, who built real strength over time, would just come along and conquer a weaker group. And then, just simply take them, and all their resource as their own. The weaker group was simply slaughtered, or later in time enslaved.

This is how, in this time, we see the words of ‘subdue and take dominion over’, but I am more than certain that whatever language was being used at the time and whatever concept,… then translated to what we see now in Genesis,… they were not at all the same concepts.

Please keep one thing in mind. And that one thing is, that a ruthless empire - is/was - the one using our current religion to further part of its goals. That was the actual historic Roman Empire. And these guys were not playing when it came to conquering. It really was blood and guts time. It really was a very barbaric time.

We know the outcome of what happened. We all went through some form of history class. We all saw the really cool movies over the decades. But what we have never done is to look at this through what paradims are and how they work. And the full blown understanding of paradigms,... and the excercise thereof,... is actually part of High Physics. So there really is a reason we do not know it. It is a powerhouse thing to know. And even more powerful when humans figure out how to use it.

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What the Empire was really doing was imposing and enforcing a genuine paradigm over all of those being conquered and governed, and swollowed up as part of the Empire. The Empire itself was the paradigm. Paradigms are both on a very small scale, and also on a very large scale.

If I walked into your flat or your apartment or your house, it is going to look, feel, and smell a certain way. That is because you live there and have created that paradigm. The space and walls and everything else are part of the paradigm. The atmosphere of the place is part of the paradigm. It is just something you have created in your wake. And you had no idea you did it. This is just simply the design of humans. GREETINGS HUMANS!!!

The words of 'subdue & take dominion over',... these are war machine words from a domination paradigm. Yet, for century upon century, that is what we heard in church and society. You should be pondering just why that is right about now.

When we walk into our places with the people that are our people, we do not think in terms of subdue and take dominion over. We think more in terms of manicure, engineer, design, and keep order. And I deeply suspect the words in Genesis, in their original tongue, meant exactly this. But lo and behold,... they were translated into war machine words and Empire thinking. And who did the translating??? And more importantly, why? What kind of paradigms were forged and came out of that - and shaped today's time?



Now, lets say we have a family and we have a property that is something like two acres. Are we going to do terrible things to the property? Of course not. And why? Because we know that this property is our home. Are we going to do our current (over the last few hundred years) concept of ‘subdue and take dominion over' our own families and friends that we really love? Of course we are not going to do that. We realize that these people and the property (Earth itself) is part of our lives and it is part of us. What is likely to happen is that we are going to manage it wisely and grow plant medicinals & food gardens and do things with it that will help provide for ourselves and our families that we love.

Doing anything else,... we would QUICKLY realize, is foolish and downright stupid. We have a symbiotic relationship with our own properties. Also a symbiotic relationship with the people we love. It would be like destroying the rain forest (an actual treasure trove of plant life and a balanced paradigm) so we could plant more palm trees for higher palm oil profits. You know, madness kind of thinking!




I just very quickly described two very different paradigms. And each of these two paradigms carry a very different vibrational frequency with them. It is the same humans and the same Earth in both of these paradigms, but the paradigms themselves give very different outcomes.

vibrant paradigm
our home
dormant paradigm


This is why I am hoping you are going to hold the idea of the four components in your mind as you look into what we are unfolding here. The paradigms are what actually shapes the real and very tangible ‘here and now’ reality. And that is why it has been used on populations on this planet for quite literally thousands of years. It is also why populations have never ever been taught about this. It is really where the shaping power comes from. Paradigms is what shapes the four component humans.

And in turn, the four component humans can, and do, shape the environment they find themselves in. Humans are simply designed this way. That is how important this is. And I really am sorry this is so long, but we really live in times where we need this. So, please do take the time out.

This is a tiny piece of large coolness. Something this entire place/planet really and seriously needs now.